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Version: pre-release

Data Loader Instrumentations

graphql-kotlin-dataloader-instrumentation is set of custom Instrumentations that will calculate the right moment to dispatch KotlinDataLoaders across single or batch GraphQL operations.

These custom instrumentations follow the similar approach as the default DataLoaderDispatcherInstrumentation from graphql-java, the main difference is that regular instrumentations apply to a single ExecutionInput aka GraphQL Operation, whereas these custom instrumentations apply to multiple GraphQL operations (say a BatchRequest) and stores their state in the GraphQLContext allowing batching and deduplication of transactions across those multiple GraphQL operations.

By default, each GraphQL operation is processed independently of each other. Multiple operations can be processed together as if they were single GraphQL request if they are part of the same batch request.

The graphql-kotlin-dataloader-instrumentation module contains 1 custom DataLoader instrumentation.

Dispatching by synchronous execution exhaustion

The most optimal time to dispatch all data loaders is when all possible synchronous execution paths across all batch operations were exhausted. Synchronous execution path is considered exhausted (or completed) when all currently processed data fetchers were either resolved to a scalar or a future promise.

Let's analyze how GraphQL execution works, but first lets check some GraphQL concepts:


Each field in GraphQL has a resolver aka DataFetcher associated with it, some fields will use specialized DataFetchers that knows how to go to a database or make a network request to get field information while most simply take data from the returned memory objects.

Execution Strategy

The process of finding values for a list of fields from the GraphQL Query, using a recursive strategy.


You can find additional examples in our unit tests.

query Q1 {
astronaut(id: 1) { # async
missions { # async

query Q2 {
nasa { #sync
astronaut(id: 2) { # async
missions { # async
address { # sync


In order to enable batching by synchronous execution exhaustion, you need to configure your GraphQL instance with the DataLoaderSyncExecutionExhaustedInstrumentation.

val graphQL = GraphQL.Builder()
// configure schema, type wiring, etc.

This data loader instrumentation relies on a global state object that needs be stored in the GraphQLContext map

val graphQLContext = mapOf(
SyncExecutionExhaustedState::class to SyncExecutionExhaustedState(

graphql-kotlin-spring-server provides convenient integration of batch loader functionality through simple configuration. Batching by synchronous execution exhaustion can be enabled by configuring following properties:

enabled: true

Multiple data loaders per field data fetcher

There are some cases when a GraphQL Schema doesn't match the data source schema, a field can require data from multiple sources to be fetched and you will still want to do batching with data loaders.


graphql-kotlin-dataloader-instrumentation includes a helpful extension function of the CompletableFuture class so that you can easily instruct the previously selected data loader instrumentation that you want to apply batching and deduplication to a chained DataLoader in your DataFetcher (resolver).


type Query {
astronaut(id: ID!): Astronaut

# In the data source, let's say a database,
# an `Astronaut` can have multiple `Mission`s and a `Mission` can have multiple `Planet`s.
type Astronaut {
id: ID!
name: String!
# The schema exposes the `Astronaut` `Planet`s, without traversing his `Mission`s.
planets: [Planet!]!

type Planet {
id: ID!
name: String!

The Astronaut planets data fetcher (resolver) will contain the logic to chain two data loaders, first collect missions by astronaut, and then, planets by mission.


For this specific example we would need 2 DataLoaders

  1. MissionsByAstronaut: to retrieve Missions by a given Astronaut.
  2. PlanetsByMission: to retrieve Planets by a given Mission.

Fetching logic

class Astronaut {
fun getPlanets(
astronautId: Int,
environment: DataFetchingEnvironment
): CompletableFuture<List<Planet>> {
val missionsByAstronautDataLoader = environment.getDataLoader("MissionsByAstronautDataLoader")
val planetsByMissionDataLoader = environment.getDataLoader("PlanetsByMissionDataLoader")
return missionsByAstronautDataLoader
// chain data loader
.thenCompose { missions ->
.loadMany( { mission -> })
// extension function to schedule a dispatch of registry if needed