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Version: pre-release

Ktor Plugin Configuration

graphql-kotlin-ktor-server plugin can be configured by using DSL when installing the plugin. Configuration is broken into multiple groups related to specific functionality. See sections below for details.

install(GraphQL) {
schema {
// configuration that controls schema generation logic
engine {
// configurations that control GraphQL execution engine
server {
// configurations that control GraphQL HTTP server

Configuration Files

Ktor supports specifying configurations in application.conf (HOCON) or application.yaml file. By default, only HOCON format is supported. To use a YAML configuration file, you need to add the ktor-server-config-yaml dependency to your project dependencies. See Ktor documentation for details.


Not all configuration properties can be specified in your configuration file. You will need to use DSL to configure more advanced features that cannot be represented in the property file syntax (e.g. any instantiated objects).

All configuration options in application.conf format, with their default values are provided below.

graphql {
schema {
// this is a required property that you need to set to appropriate value
// example value is just provided for illustration purposes
packages = [
federation {
enabled = false
tracing {
enabled = true
debug = false
engine {
automaticPersistedQueries {
enabled = false
batching {
enabled = false
introspection {
enabled = true

Schema Configuration

This section configures graphql-kotlin-schema-generation logic and is the only section that has to be configured. At a minimum you need to configure the list of packages that can contain your GraphQL schema definitions and a list of queries.

All configuration options, with their default values are provided below.

schema {
// this is a required property that you need to set to appropriate value
// example value is just provided for illustration purposes
packages = listOf("com.example")
// non-federated schemas, require at least a single query
queries = listOf()
mutations = listOf()
subscriptions = listOf()
schemaObject = null
// federated schemas require federated hooks
hooks = NoopSchemaGeneratorHooks
topLevelNames = TopLevelNames()
federation {
enabled = false
tracing {
enabled = true
debug = false
// required for GraalVM native servers
typeHierarchy = null

GraphQL Execution Engine Configuration

This section configures graphql-java execution engine that will be used to process your GraphQL requests.

All configuration options, with their default values are provided below.

engine {
automaticPersistedQueries {
enabled = false
// DO NOT enable default batching logic if specifying custom provider
batching {
enabled = false
introspection {
enabled = true
dataFetcherFactoryProvider = SimpleKotlinDataFetcherFactoryProvider()
dataLoaderRegistryFactory = KotlinDataLoaderRegistryFactory()
exceptionHandler = SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler()
executionIdProvider = null
idValueUnboxer = IDValueUnboxer()
instrumentations = emptyList()
// DO NOT specify custom provider if enabling default batching logic
preparsedDocumentProvider = null

Server Configuration

This section configures your GraphQL HTTP server.

All configuration options, with their default values are provided below.

server {
contextFactory = DefaultKtorGraphQLContextFactory()
jacksonConfiguration = { }
requestParser = KtorGraphQLRequestParser(jacksonObjectMapper().apply(jacksonConfiguration))

Routes Configuration

GraphQL Kotlin Ktor Plugin DOES NOT automatically configure any routes. You need to explicitly configure Routing plugin with GraphQL routes. This allows you to selectively enable routes and wrap them in some additional logic (e.g. Authentication).

GraphQL Kotlin Ktor Plugin provides following Route extensions that can be called when configuring Routing plugin.

GraphQL POST route

This is the main route for processing your GraphQL requests. By default, it will use /graphql endpoint and respond using chunked encoding.

fun Route.graphQLPostRoute(endpoint: String = "graphql", streamingResponse: Boolean = true, jacksonConfiguration: ObjectMapper.() -> Unit = {}): Route

GraphQL GET route


Only Query operations are supported by the GET route.

GraphQL route for processing GET requests. By default, it will use /graphql endpoint and respond using chunked encoding.

fun Route.graphQLGetRoute(endpoint: String = "graphql", streamingResponse: Boolean = true, jacksonConfiguration: ObjectMapper.() -> Unit = {}): Route

GraphQL Subscriptions route

GraphQL route for processing subscriptions. By default, it will use /subscriptions endpoint and handle requests using graphql-transport-ws protocol handler.

fun Route.graphQLSubscriptionsRoute(
endpoint: String = "subscriptions",
protocol: String? = null,
handlerOverride: KtorGraphQLSubscriptionHandler? = null,

See related Subscriptions document for more info.

GraphQL SDL route

Convenience route to expose endpoint that returns your GraphQL schema in SDL format.

fun Route.graphQLSDLRoute(endpoint: String = "sdl"): Route

GraphiQL IDE route

GraphiQL IDE is a convenient tool that helps you to easily interact with your GraphQL server.

fun Route.graphiQLRoute(endpoint: String = "graphiql", graphQLEndpoint: String = "graphql"): Route